The Eating Disorder Recovery Blog

Female crossing her legs and taking a deep breath, embracing intuitive exercise

Intuitive exercise, also known as intuitive movement, is a way of moving your body that focuses on listening to your body’s needs and signals rather than following regimented rules or schedules.

If you are new to intuitive exercise, understanding some of the key principles to follow can be a helpful starting point.

5 Principles Of Intuitive Exercise

Diet Culture

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Christmas can be a challenging time for those in eating disorder recovery. However, keeping aligned with your recovery goals and a little planning ahead can support a positive outcome.

Here are 5 top tips to support you or a loved one through this time.

5 Recovery Tips For Christmas Day

5 Recovery Tips For Christmas Day

Eating Disorders


In this article we discuss weight stigma and what health really is.

“Your healthy weight is whatever weight you reach when you are nourishing your body intuitively. When you are not restricting food in any way or compensating for food eaten. When you are neither strictly controlling food nor feeling out of control with food.”

Weight Stigma And Eating Disorders

Body Image


This week we stand with Beat the UK’s eating disorder charity, in their campaign to introduce proper training for medical schools on eating disorders. We discuss the current statistics with GPs receiving less than 2 hours of training in this area. And we hear from our recovery client Lucy, who shares her personal experience of accessing support.

Lucy’s Appeal: Eating Disorders Training For GPs

Client writing her appeal on her laptop to medical schools to provide proper training for eating disorders.

Recovery Stories


When you’re armed with knowledge, change truly can take root. Our free resource library provides valuable information about eating disorders and the recovery process so you can start making progress in your own time.

The library gives you instant access to all of our resources in one place, including printable workbooks, digital resources, and new materials as they are added.

The Food freedom resource library

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