The Eating Disorder Recovery Blog

In this article we discuss weight stigma and what health really is.

“Your healthy weight is whatever weight you reach when you are nourishing your body intuitively. When you are not restricting food in any way or compensating for food eaten. When you are neither strictly controlling food nor feeling out of control with food.”

Weight Stigma And Eating Disorders

Body Image

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Today we hear from Abby, who recovered with us here at Natural Food Therapy. Abby shares her inspirational story through eating disorder recovery. A journey of inner strength and self-discovery.

“At 29 years old, I found the strength to get help for my eating disorder. And I believe it has been the best thing I have possibly ever done.”

Abby’s Story: Finding My Strength

Female looking at window reflecting on her story of strength through her battle with eating disorder recovery.

Recovery Stories


Eating disorders are mental illnesses that involve complex relationships with food, exercise and body image. They cause significant harm and are by no means a lifestyle choice or phase. Anyone can develop an eating disorder regardless of age, gender, cultural or racial background. 

What are Eating Disorders: Types, Symptoms and Causes

Flower representing the unique nature of eating disorders

Eating Disorders


When you’re armed with knowledge, change truly can take root. Our free resource library provides valuable information about eating disorders and the recovery process so you can start making progress in your own time.

The library gives you instant access to all of our resources in one place, including printable workbooks, digital resources, and new materials as they are added.

The Food freedom resource library

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