Body Image

Are you struggling with an eating disorder and need support tailored to your unique needs and goals? We offer personalised recovery days that take place in the comfort of your own home with an eating disorder specialist by your side.

Here are five reasons to book a recovery day.

What Is A Recovery Day?

A home environment represents the location of a recovery day experience.

Eating Disorders


Intuitive exercise, also known as intuitive movement, is a way of moving your body that focuses on listening to your body’s needs and signals rather than following regimented rules or schedules.

If you are new to intuitive exercise, understanding some of the key principles to follow can be a helpful starting point.

5 Principles Of Intuitive Exercise

Female crossing her legs and taking a deep breath, embracing intuitive exercise

Diet Culture


The month of February means Valentine’s Day, bringing our focus to the topic of love. Love can be a difficult topic when you are struggling with your relationship with food and body image.

Here we explore how recovery supports love and helps to create healthier and more meaningful relationships for years to come.

Love And Recovery

Finding love through eating disorder recovery

Body Image


Have you ever experienced feeling fat one day and not feeling comfortable in any of your clothes, then another day not having any of those feelings and fairly easily getting dressed? Maybe the way you feel about your body influences your eating behaviours, and you find yourself constantly yoyo-ing.

Here we unpack the common experience of ‘feeling fat’.

How To Cope With ‘Feeling Fat’

Woman comforting with a cup of hot tea, feeling fat and struggling with body image issues.

Body Image


This month’s recovery focus is intuitive movement and body image, and our podcast is Train Happy by Tally Rye.

Tally is a personal trainer who helps people to create a healthy relationship with movement. In this post we share some highly recommended episodes and resources.

Recovery Podcast: Train Happy with Tally Rye

Iphone and ear pods playing our recovery podcast recommendations.

Diet Culture


In recent years there has been a large increase in the popularity of bodybuilding, and studies are now exploring the link between bodybuilding and eating disorders.

“I lost my personality, my partner, and my purpose in life. It was just gym, eat, repeat. There was literally no time or energy for anything else.”

Bodybuilding And Eating Disorders

Male bodybuilder with eating disorder lifting weights

Eating Disorders


In today’s blog post, eating disorder recovery warrior Lydia discusses how she navigated her fears around body change and took powerful steps towards body acceptance. Sharing difficulties she faced and a recovery tool that she found particularly helpful throughout her recovery journey.

Body Acceptance: Lydia’s Story

Women smiling, finding body acceptance as she breaks free from her eating disorder.

Recovery Stories


Using affirmations can be incredibly supportive of eating disorder recovery.

We asked our recovery group to share the affirmations that have supported them most through eating disorder recovery. Here are the top 20 they found most useful. We hope they inspire you too.

20 Affirmations for Eating Disorder Recovery

Eating disorder recovery affirmations on pink background.

Eating Disorders


An insight into client Tara’s journey towards intuitive movement.

“My relationship with exercise hasn’t always been easy. I used to view exercise as a type of punishment during my eating disorder, but it has also been a huge source of joy in my life too, especially during my recovery.”

Tara’s Relationship With Exercise

Female running sharing insights into her relationship with exercise.

Diet Culture


Body image issues affect around 1 in 3 adults in the UK, and studies suggest this number is growing. An important part of building a healthy relationship with food is looking beyond the exterior, including when we compliment one another.

10 Things To Compliment Someone On Other Than Appearance

Body Image


In this article we discuss weight stigma and what health really is.

“Your healthy weight is whatever weight you reach when you are nourishing your body intuitively. When you are not restricting food in any way or compensating for food eaten. When you are neither strictly controlling food nor feeling out of control with food.”

Weight Stigma And Eating Disorders

Body Image


This week’s post is written by one of our eating disorder recovery clients, who shares her journey to intuitive movement with us all.

An inspiring and supportive read for anyone who is working on improving their relationship with exercise.

Ella’s Intuitive Movement Journey

Calming yoga space embracing intuitive movement for eating disorder recovery

Recovery Stories


At Natural Food Therapy, we support each individual with the recovery tools needed to make lasting change. Your learning styles, strengths, passions and character traits can all be used to support your recovery journey. And something we champion for those who respond well to reflective tools is letter writing.

Body Healing: Jasmine’s Letter

Body Image


Have you ever listened to the little voice inside you that reminds you of your younger self? Regardless of how much we grow, we carry our younger selves with us through each day. Perhaps it’s the unheard 10-year-old self that shows up when we feel someone isn’t listening to us, or maybe it’s the heartbroken teen who shows up when we feel a lack of attention or care.

Inner Child Healing – Danielle’s Experience

Women running free on beach reflecting her inner child.

Recovery Stories


Today we hear from Abby, who recovered with us here at Natural Food Therapy. Abby shares her inspirational story through eating disorder recovery. A journey of inner strength and self-discovery.

“At 29 years old, I found the strength to get help for my eating disorder. And I believe it has been the best thing I have possibly ever done.”

Abby’s Story: Finding My Strength

Female looking at window reflecting on her story of strength through her battle with eating disorder recovery.

Recovery Stories


Most people will experience a grieving process on their journey towards body acceptance. A powerful and necessary step that allows you to let go and grieve unrealistic expectations of what your body ‘should’ look like. Here are the five stages of body grief and some thoughts on how to navigate them.

Body Acceptance: The Process Of Letting Go

Woman in recovery from eating disorder, looking at her shadow, in her body acceptance journey.

Body Image


Diet culture can be tough to navigate when in recovery from an eating disorder. This week two of our recovery warriors have chosen to share their letters to diet culture with us all. As well as being thought-provoking and impactful, these are letters that deserve to be shared and celebrated.

Dear Diet Culture: Eating Disorder Recovery

Eating disorder survivor writing a recovery letter to diet culture

Diet Culture


Intuitive movement supports both body and mind. Instead of exercising to reach a certain body size or shape, intuitive movement is about choosing ways to move the body that will help us to feel better.

Connecting Mind and Body With Intuitive Movement

Women exercising intuitively which is better than exercise. Especially for those suffering from an eating disorder. Intuitive movement reconnects the mind and body.

Body Image


Body-editing apps are the newest trend fuelling body image issues in both men and women. Instead of supporting us to accept that we are all different and embrace our individuality, editing apps encourage us to conform to society’s pressures and only share a sculpted ‘version’ of ourselves.

Body Editing Apps: The Trend Fuelling Body Image Issues

the rise of body editing apps, body dysmorphia, eating disorders and negative body issues.

Body Image


When you’re armed with knowledge, change truly can take root. Our free resource library provides valuable information about eating disorders and the recovery process so you can start making progress in your own time.

The library gives you instant access to all of our resources in one place, including printable workbooks, digital resources, and new materials as they are added.

The Food freedom resource library

start your recovery journey right now

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